What exactly is Senior Move Management?
Senior Move Management is the profession that assists older adults and their families with the emotional and physical aspects of relocation and/or “aging in place.” Senior Move Managers® require a profound commitment to connecting with older adults and a desire to perform meaningful work.
Although specific services vary, most Senior Move Managers® can help with some or all of the following:
- Developing an overall move or “age in place” plan
- Organizing, sorting and downsizing
- Customized floor plans
- Arranging for the profitable disposal of unwanted items through auction, estate sale, buy-out, consignment, donation, or a combination of the above
- Interviewing, scheduling and overseeing movers
- Arranging shipments and storage
- Supervise and oversight of professional packing
- Unpacking and setting up the new home
- Related services, such as cleaning, waste removal, shopping, senior escort, assisting with selection of a realtor and helping prepare the home to be sold.
Some Senior Move Managers® provide these services directly; others function in more of an oversight or management role. Senior Move Managers® have extensive, practical knowledge about the costs, quality and availability of various local community resources. Additionally, Senior Move Managers® frequently assist individuals who choose to stay in their own homes, but simply require expert organizational skills and solid knowledge of “aging in place” concepts to help them achieve their goal of … not moving anywhere, but improving quality of life!
One call to a Senior Move Manager® can connect you with services older adults and families need for a seamless, successful transition of all kinds.
What are the real benefits of Senior Move Management services?
- Senior Move Managers® have significant expertise in resources and approaches that save money, reduce stress and produce quality results.
- Services are client-centered and personalized to meet the client’s needs and preferences. Families, particularly, should never doubt the power of an outside expert!
- NASMM members are reviewed for insurance and experience requirements prior to acceptance.
- Ongoing educational programs reflect the NASMM commitment to professionalism and to working with older adults.
- NASMM has developed a Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice for all members.
How much do Senior Move Management services cost?
- It’s virtually impossible to calculate what a specific move might cost, as the fee can vary considerably by geographic region and the services requested.
- Additionally, some Senior Move Manager® charge their fees on an hourly basis, while others prefer to package the cost of the entire job at one price.
- NASMM members will always outline the cost of a job through a written estimate before you are required to submit payment.
What makes a Senior Move Manager® different from just a moving company? They seem pretty similar to me … are they?
- Senior Move Managers® provide a multi-faceted approach to the move process: from space planning in the beginning to post-move support and advocacy.
- Senior Move Managers® minimize the chaos and stress associated with moving by addressing all aspects of the move process. They are responsible to for creating and executing a seamless action plan, customized to the client’s wishes.
- Actually, some but not all Senior Move Managers® are also movers. Those providers that are not movers will work closely with a reputable local moving company to complete that aspect of the job.
- With the gentle and expert guidance of an experienced Senior Move Manager®, older adults and families make the key decisions without the emotional and physical distress that can follow. As a result, they avoid the costly mistakes and remorse that often accompany such major lifestyle transitions.
- Senior Move Managers® do so much more than simply sort, settle and move boxes; with loads of energy, enthusiasm and experience, Senior Move Managers® take the worry (and work!) out of the move process. The client’s job is to simply enjoy his or her new living arrangement.